Once a month a nurse will take your blood pressure and keep a record of it. This takes place the first Thursday of each month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. No appointment is necessary. We will be happy to provide a photocopy of your blood pressure readings for you to take to your next doctor’s appointment.

Foot care is offered on Tuesdays by our nurse, Caroline Delorme. If you wish to make or change an appointment or to cancel one, please call her at 438-886-5473. The cost of foot care is $65. Receipts are available for income tax purposes. Please let Caroline know as soon as possible if you have to cancel an appointment.

This is a volunteer-run service to keep in daily contact with seniors who live alone. Each day the senior is telephoned by one of the volunteers to ensure that all is well. If you would appreciate this service or would like to volunteer to make calls, please call the office at 450‑671‑1757.

If you are in temporary need of a wheelchair, walker or cane, we have these items available for loan. Please call the office at 450‑671‑1757 to arrange to pick up the equipment.

Do you need a gift for someone or something new for yourself? Shop at our Boutique, located just inside the entrance to the Maison. You will find items such as sweaters and socks for young and old, handmade by our members. Profits from the sales are donated to the Council for Seniors.